Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Voice in the Wilderness

Plutocracy is when the rich rule us. Well, you may say they always have. True enough but there is a point where the balance is gone and there is no longer any balance in society or the economy. This is when the Unions and Pensions disappear while the CEO's multiply their income ten fold in one generation. This is today.

1 comment:

  1. The Plutocrat is a product of modern civilization. He could not have flourished when our Constitution was written.

    George Washington was the richest man in the US when he died. He owned 1/100 of today's richest.

    After the bloodiest war in our history we passed an Amendment to assure all people are free. It didn't do the black people of our country much good for a century. The 14th Amendment did provide for the birth of the modern corporation and somehow became the basis for an amoral organization to be recognized as a human.
